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Public notice to be issued in search of victims of enforced disappearances

Public notice will be issued to trace the persons who have been forcibly disappeared by members of any law enforcement agency in the country.
The decision was taken today in the first meeting of the inquiry commission formed to trace and identify the forcibly disappeared persons by members of any law enforcement agencies, said a press release.
With commission Chief Justice Moinul Islam Chowdhury in the chair, all members of the commission were present at the meeting held at its Gulshan Avenue office in Dhaka.
The meeting decided that the commission will run its activities as usual from 10am to 6:00pm every day except public holidays.
The government formed the 5-member inquiry commission to trace the persons who have been forcibly disappeared by the member of the country’s law enforcement agencies, including Bangladesh Police, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Special Branch, Intelligence Branch, Ansar Battalion, National Intelligence Agency (NSI), Defense Forces, and the Directorate General of Defense Intelligence (DGFI).
